Bainbridge Island’s Kids Discovery Museum Receives LEED® Silver Certification Award from the U.S. Green Building Council, Placing it Amongst the Nation’s Leading Buildings in Sustainable Design
Bainbridge Island, Washington - August 15, 2011 - The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has recognized the Kids Discovery Museum (KiDiMu) with a Silver certification for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). The Museum now meets LEED Silver standards for both - Commercial Interiors, and Core and Shell. As part of the new Island Gateway cultural center, KiDiMu provides an outstanding play and learning environment for children in a facility that demonstrates smart and sustainable design and construction.
Designed, developed and built by Coates Design, Asani, and PHC Construction, the KiDiMu building provides an environmentally-healthy and ecologically-friendly public space for Bainbridge Island and visiting families alike.
The new facility not only enables the nonprofit children’s museum to be a sustainability leader and save money, but it also aligns with its mission to educate. “This is such an exciting time for the Museum and our community. With LEED silver certification, the building itself becomes a learning opportunity and an example of good stewardship of the environment.” said KiDiMu’s board president Diane Crowder.
By using less energy and water, LEED-certified buildings save money for families, businesses and taxpayers; reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and contribute to a healthier environment for residents, workers and the larger community.
“The new building is a “smart” solution for KiDiMu, Bainbridge Island and the planet,” said Crowder. “The certification is a great honor and a “seal of approval” for a job well done. We feel fortunate to have had the community support and expertise of the Island Gateway team to help us succeed.”
The KiDiMu building’s location, within a walking distance from the ferry and the center of town, its water and energy saving design, and recycled and non-toxic building materials all play a role in reaching LEED certification, which holds the highest national standard for building design that implements strategies for better environmental and health performance.

As the Island Gateway moves forward in gaining LEED certification for all its buildings, including the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art, KiDiMu’s LEED Silver award provides real satisfaction and encouragement for the Island Gateway team, and sets a standard for sustainable building design and development throughout the Bainbridge Island community.
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