Tristan Baurick
Posted October 7, 2011 at 5:43 p.m.
Craden Henderson and Clay Johnson, of PHC
Construction, remove one of the windows from the Morales Farm house on
Bainbridge Island on Friday. Once it is habitable again, it could be
used to house interns who work on the island's 15 small farms.
Over the eight years since the city bought the five-acre Morales Farm,
the rolling fields have slowly come alive with pumpkins, grapes,
tomatoes and sunflowers.
Ani Kendig, office manager of PHC Construction, removes molding from the
front door during renovation of the Morales Farm house on Bainbridge
Island on Friday. PHC and its subcontractors are not charging for the
work, although a nonprofit is chipping in the cover some material and
permitting costs.
The old farmhouse, though, has remained as empty and lifeless as the day the Morales family left it.
That could change in the coming months as an ambitious plan gets
under way to fully restore the Lovgreen Road home and turn it into
living quarters for the island's popular farm internship programs.
Bainbridge farming advocacy group Friends of the Farms has teamed
with PHC Construction to tear the three-bedroom, 58-year-old house down
to the studs and restore it with new walls, windows, flooring and
various interior touches that will make the house a home again. The
house will also get revamped electrical, plumbing and water systems, and
energy-efficient upgrades, including a heat pump and foam insulation.
Marty Sievertson of PHC Construction removes the drywall in the living
room of the Morales Farm house on Bainbridge Island on Friday.
Bainbridge-based PHC and its subcontractors are doing the $100,000
project free-of-charge. Friends of the Farms chipped in about $10,000
for building permits and other costs.
Island farmer Brian MacWhorter walked through the house's dilapidated
interior as a work crew began breaking into the walls on Friday
"Look at this — it's really an extreme makeover," he said.
Ani Kendig, office manager of PHC Construction, removes molding from around windows Friday.
The 15 or so island farms offer a total of 12 internships, but
MacWhorter it's often a struggle to find enough room for the young
farmers-in-training to stay. The internship programs doesn't pay much,
making it difficult for the college-age interns to cover the relatively
high-priced rent at island apartments and shared homes.
"Housing is one of the most important things that keeps the
internships going," said MacWhorter, who employs four interns. "Whatever
we can do that helps (housing) will keep farming sustainable on
Bainbridge Island."
While the Friends of the Farms received city approval to do the
restoration work, coming to a lease agreement that allows interns to
live at the house is a matter for later negotiations.
If all goes well, three or more interns could move in by March, said Friends of the Farms Executive Director Wendy Tyner.
The house could also be used for farm-related classes or as an interpretive center, she added.
The house was once the home of Teddy Morales, who moved to the U.S.
from the Philippines in 1929 and farmed on Bainbridge for decades. He
and his family grew berries and various vegetables, but the property was
best known for producing a bounty of sweet corn.
Craden Henderson and Clay Johnson of PHC Construction remove a window at the Morales Farm house on Bainbridge Island on Friday.
The city bought the Morales Farm in 2003 for $210,000 with the idea
of preserving it as farmland. The farm and several other properties were
purchased with an $8 million open space bond approved by voters in
The property is now used by MacWhorter, who grows tomatoes and other
warm-weather crops in greenhouses, a wine maker and a part-time farmer
who produces a variety of vegetables. Two island schools have plots for
use in educational programs.
Renovation of the house at the Morales Farm on Bainbridge Island started Friday.
The city re-roofed the house a few years ago, but nothing has been done to make it habitable.
"It's actually a pretty sound structure," PHC co-owner Marty
Sievertson said. "It's got a nice dry roof, and I haven't found any
The exterior's cedar shingles are also in good shape and will likely remain.
"This is the kind of project I've been looking to do for a while,"
Sievertson said. "I've been building in Kitsap County and Bainbridge for
30 years. It's been good to me. It's time for me to give back."